As the new year begins, it brings a feeling of fresh starts. Reflecting on the past year, we naturally ask, "What have you gained?" This moment is filled with both reflections on the past and hopeful expectations for the future.

A big shoutout to these ladies from Luvme Hair Facebook group ‘Luvme VIP Queen’ and ‘Luvme Queen’ who generously shared their story about #LookingBackOnMy2023 and #NewYearResolution. Each narrative is a powerful repository of heartfelt memories, motivating us to bravely confront the challenges that lie ahead.

The brand philosophy of Luvme Hair aligns seamlessly with this fresh start. We firmly believe that women should have the freedom and right to change their appearance, emotions, and states. Whether in products or emotions, Luvme Hair's services provide women with the opportunity to freely change their styles, enabling them to face future challenges with confidence and a positive attitude.


God has truly blessed me this year! I’ve had ups and downs but he never left my side. I attained my degree and licensure as a child psychologist and rocked Luvme Hair at every major event! Thanking God for what was, what is, and what’s to come. #LOOKINGBACKONMY2023

@Andrané Mems

In 2022, I decided that I wanted to go back to school to complete my degree. I got tired of my own excuses and decided to take accelerated classes so I could finish within a year and a half. I was able to do just that. I’m grateful to God and my family for being so supportive. I didn’t stop, I am still in school to complete another degree which I am set to complete by 2024. #LookingBackOnMy2023

@Nekkia Jackson

2023 was definitely a year I will not forget. I received so many blessings this year, here are just a few:

  1. $100,000 Student Loan debt was forgiven in April.
  2. My eldest son graduated from high school and entered college.
  3. My youngest entered the 9th grade.
  4. My dog who was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure in July of 2022, has since stabilized in his condition. The prognosis was 6 months to 1 year. Well, a year and a half later he is still with us
  5. I successfully led a decorating committee for a banquet dinner serving over 200 people. My decorating ideas were a hit!
  6. I will receive a 14% pay increase beginning 2024.
  7. I met some wonderful women here at Luvme Hair and have learned so much from them. I thank you all!

And lastly, my youngest who was diagnosed with a Specified Learning Disability will have ALL general ed classes for 10th grade. We have worked so hard to make sure he had the right supports in place and it paid off! #LookingBackOnMy2023

@Chasity Shaw

I thank the Lord for every single blessing i have been given. This has truly been a year favor for me and my family. It has also been an all about Me year. For the last 17 years it's been about Bae and the kids. I really had let myself fade to the background. I was just going thru the motions. After my father died three years ago I gained a ton of weight. I had been working on losing the weight for the last two years. I lost a total of 80 pounds and won a transformation competition. I worked on myself spiritual by joing a 5am prayer group in addition to my family prayer line nightly. I have seen so many miricles come from those lines. I have worked on my marriage and spending time with my kids more. I got a 29% raise on my job and have been working on my side hustle. Luvme allowed me to look my best while accompling so many things. Here's to 2024 and a longlasting relationship with Luvme Hair. #LookingBackOnMy2023

@Rachel Joy Baker

Since we are halfway into the first month of the year, I always like to make goals for myself to push myself to learn and grow. This year I want to explore more color in my wigs and come away from the second guessing of wearing certain colors as a brown skin queen. I usually stick to browns and highlights as my comfort zone. I've branched into colors in 2023 and I'm ready to try new colors and new color combinations this year!!! #newyearsresolution

@Lattyj Missindependent

I have made many attempts at organizing my wigs. This year I might do a little more like separating by color and length. I'm even using the labels from luvme very handy. The plan is to label them immediately because sometimes I forget the name of the unit and have to search again. Definitely need more space since my wigs have now moved from the closet to the bathroom. #newyearsresolution #luvmeaddict.

@Masa Diarra

Being so young and going through Infidelity and divorce all while pregnant and postpartum has hands down been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. For the new year I want to learn peace, I want to learn patience, I want to learn to be gentle with myself, and know that even when I feel like my whole world is crashing that I will pull through. Nothing that has happened is my fault, and that this too shall pass. I know my daughter needs the healthiest version of me and I strive to give her that everyday #newyearsresolution

@Krystal Mathis
In 2024 i want to keep growing and becoming a hetter version of me. Im switching it up by setting mini goals that lead me to my ultimate goals. Raising 3 kids as a single mom sometimes we as women feel we arent enough. But actually we dont get enough of anything just for us. I love all my luvme sistas. I just want to say i see you and i love you. ❤️ 2024 is the year of accomplishing our goals and being the beautiful women we are( picture my baby in her favorite luvme unit 😍) #newyearsresolution

Let's join hands and welcome the new year full of hope and possibilities. May the stories of these women empower us to find our strength in this new beginning, to dare to chase dreams, and to courageously embrace the changes in life. Let's embrace this challenge together and create our own exciting stories. Switching it up is everything!
January 25, 2024 — Luvme Contributor

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